L: In favor of the publicity principle for independent schools

L In favor of the publicity principle for independent schools



full screen The Liberals have changed their position and now want the principle of publicity to also apply to independent schools. Stock photography Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The principle of openness must also apply to independent schools. That’s what the Liberals think, who have now changed their stance on the issue, reports SVT Nyheter.

– We think we have received so much information now that we see how independent schools are also ripe for the principle of openness that applies to municipal schools, says party leader Johan Pehrson to SVT.

If the principle of openness is introduced for independent schools, it means that they will be obliged to disclose information such as grades and teacher density. That obligation currently only applies to municipal schools.

The Liberals have previously, like other Tidö parties, considered that the principle of publicity is not suitable for independent schools. According to the Tidö agreement, transparency in independent schools must instead be increased through a so-called transparency principle.

The design of the transparency principle is now the subject of an investigation that will be presented shortly.
