kyiv would study evacuation plans

kyiv would study evacuation plans

In Ukraine, electricity shortages are worsening, to the point that the municipality of kyiv is considering plans to evacuate the city, if the situation were to deteriorate further. This was revealed this Sunday, November 6 by the daily The New York Times, referring to a source within the town hall of the Ukrainian capital. One thing is certain: day by day, the life of the inhabitants becomes more and more difficult.

With our correspondent in kyiv, Stephane Siohan

Evacuating more than three million inhabitants in a few hours is the disaster scenario for which the municipality of kyiv would prepare, in the event of a sudden deterioration in the energy situation.

According to a source who spoke to the New York Timesif the bombing led to a total loss of the power grid, then the authorities would have a twelve-hour window to ask people to leave the city.

Currently, 40% of electrical infrastructure is damaged, and operators are forced to make massive cuts lasting several hours in different neighborhoods in order to stabilize the network.

However, the situation disrupts the water supply as well as the evacuation of waste water via the pipes, raising the risk of health deterioration.

On Saturday, the public operator UkrEnergo announced additional restrictions, and the kyiv city hall is preparing a thousand heated shelters, which can also serve as a bunker for civilians.

“We must consider all the alternatives”

The fate of our country and our citizens depends on our level of preparation “, said the mayor of kyiv Saturday, November 5 on television. ” If there is a complete breakdown of electricity and water supply and you have relatives outside Kyiv who have an autonomous heating and water system, consider the possibility of joining them for a while. Try, in the worst case, to find a solution to stay with friends “, underlined Vitali Klitschko.

This is not war, this is terrorism and genocide. Putin doesn’t need us Ukrainians, what he wants is territory, he wants Ukraine without us. That is why what is happening today, the strikes against infrastructure, is genocide. His goal is to leave us to die of cold, to chase us from our land to appropriate it. We’re doing everything to make sure that doesn’t happen. But let’s be honest, our enemy is doing everything to cut off the heat, electricity and water in our town. They want to see us die. We will succeed in holding on if we are well prepared. The fate of our country and our citizens depends on our level of preparedness. I would like to tell the population that we must consider all the alternatives. If there is a complete breakdown of electricity and water supply and you have relatives outside Kyiv who have an autonomous heating and water system, consider the possibility of joining them for a while. Try in the worst case scenario to find a solution to stay with friends.

Mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschko: “I would like to tell the population that we must consider all the alternatives”

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