Kvikkjokk went from the coldest in the country – to the warmest

Kvikkjokk got a new cold record of minus 43.6 degrees last week.
On Monday, the weather changed and the mountain village was the warmest in Sweden with 0.9 plus degrees.
– It’s drastic, but not the first time, says tourist guide Björn Sarstad.

On Monday, the thermometer stood at 0.9 degrees in the mountain village of Kvikkjokk. Two throws from last week’s temperatures.

– It’s drastic, but not the first time, says Björn Sarstad, who is a tourist guide in the mountain village.

The cold hit Norrbotten hard last week with several new cold records. During Tuesday night in Kvikkjokk, it was 43.6 minus degrees, the coldest temperature since measurements at that weather station began in 1887.

You can be outside at those temperatures with the right clothing, but Björn Sarstad does not recommend any major outdoor projects.

– You can use tools if you have good gloves in those temperatures. But it feels very brave, I tried. It goes to minus 35, then it gets tough.

It depends on the weather

Similar weather changes are not unusual, says Björn Sarstad. This one doesn’t even stand out in the crowd, he’s experienced both bigger and faster weather changes.

– This can be explained by the fact that we have a warm ocean, the Gulf Stream, which contributes warm winds. So the further from the sea you are, the colder it gets.

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