Kurdo Baksi critical of the EU agreement: “A scandal – is embarrassing”

In the new agreement, it is stated that Sweden shall not offer support to the Kurdish organizations YPG/PYD and FETO (also known as the Gülen movement) and that a joint security cooperation to counter terrorism shall be established with Turkey.

In addition, Sweden must actively support Turkey’s attempts to join the EU.

Baksi: “Turkey is a prison for dissidents”

– The Turkish regime sends Kurds, LGBTQ activists and many others to prison for no reason whatsoever. Turkey is a prison for dissidents and no democratic forces are allowed to speak, says Kurdo Baksi and continues:

– Sweden is one of the world’s most democratic states and now we are suddenly going to help one of the world’s most undemocratic states to enter the EU family. I think it’s a scandal, it’s embarrassing.

“The agreement affects Sweden’s international reputation”

According to him, a new period of Swedish foreign policy has begun.

– The Swedish-Turkish agreement affects Sweden’s international reputation enormously. In the past, Sweden has been a strong voice for human rights, but after the Vilnius agreement, Sweden appears more like a country on the side of the oppressors.
