Kulturvalet: Ebba Busch – DN.SE

Kulturvalet Ebba Busch DNSE

Mention a strong cultural experience you have had.

– Carl Larsson in general. Has left on my list to visit the farm in Sundborn.

What music do you listen to to get energy?

– Everything is possible, but I like to listen to music. Agnes, Beyoncé, Angie Stone, Joni Mitchell.

Which young and promising cultural creator do you want to strike a blow for?

– The talented and inspiring Ukrainian designer Ivan Frolov (whose clothes I was photographed in outside the Russian embassy). In addition to solid craftsmanship and beautiful design, he leads the fight for human rights in an inspiring way through his art. For many years he has raised the rights of LGBT + people in particular and meant a lot to many. Impressive also how he and his employees rearranged parts of their production after the war came to Ukraine. To help strengthen and defend their country, they began to sew safety vests and bags for the army.

What’s on your “reading” pile right now?

– Peter-No-Tail. Half an hour every night with my kids.

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Ebba Busch wants to see the Christian Democratic Youth Union’s union president Nike Örbrink as Minister of Culture.

Photo: Thomas Karlsson

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Or why not the Liberals’ former party leader Nyamko Sabuni?

Photo: Thomas Karlsson


Who do you choose as Minister of Culture?

– Nike Örbrink (KDU) or why not Nyamko Sabuni.

What makes you laugh in a cultural way?

– “Seinfeld”.

Which fictional character do you most identify with?

– I have said in a party leader debate that I see myself as Trisse in Pelle Svanslös. May well stick to it.

What cultural habits or interests did you get from your parents?

– As a teenager, I was introduced by my grandmother Ebba from Norway to the author Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson’s fantastic stories.

Did the pandemic bring anything good for cultural life and what?

– The pandemic has meant that we have a large number of new cultural consumers who have discovered the value of culture after a time of isolation.

Which cultural area deserves more attention?

– Reading as a phenomenon can not get too much attention. So close at hand, such great experiences. Through reading, the world can expand and new perspectives land in the reader.

Which cultural figure has been most important to Sweden?

– Carl Larsson who I mentioned before together with Astrid Lindgren. Trying to read her books as much as possible with my kids.

What is the worst cultural experience you have had?

– Most with Henrik Schyffert. Sorry, but he’s not funny.

What was the last cultural event you went to?

– Monica Mac at the Circus. A fantastic experience. It is something special to sit and cry with people in a group. Spiritual genius.

Do you prefer audiobooks or paper books – and why?

– Paper. Love the feeling. Loses me in audiobooks but I still listen.

How many streaming services do you subscribe to?

– Five pieces.

What role should public service play in the future?

– Public service must be widely available in the channels that people use. In order to strengthen legitimacy, the assignment needs to be narrowed down and given a main focus on public information, independent and factual news dissemination nationally and regionally, as well as a high-quality cultural offer. The offer must be made available to people with disabilities and meet the needs and wishes of minorities.

How active should the state be regarding the content of culture?

– Cultural life is to an excessive extent characterized by the public sector in both operation and financing. The public sector must stay at arm’s length and have a supporting role. The private sector contributes through supply and demand. Civil society is the basic precondition for cultural life but is today dependent on public funding. A balance is needed between the three sectors.

What cultural heritage policy do you and your party want to pursue?

– The knowledge of one’s own cultural heritage, the material as well as the intangible, which includes common values, dialects, traditions and folklore, gives people security in their identity. It is necessary for us to be able to meet and feel respect for others’ cultures and traditions and is a strong health factor by strengthening the sense of context.

Which country do you see as a role model when it comes to cultural policy and why?

– France because they value culture so highly. It is a priority in society.

Told to Kajsa Haidl.
