Kruso Kapital, debut on EGM PRO postponed by a few days

Arras towards market debut with capitalization of 54 million

(Finance) – Kruso Capitalgroup company System Bankpostpone it for a few days listing on Euronext Growth Milan – Professional Segment (EGM PRO), the Italian Stock Exchange market dedicated to SMEs with high growth potential and reserved for professional investors.

According to what is read in the update of the pre-admission communication, the expected admission date is now set for December 22nd 2023, compared to December 19 initially expected. The debut on the stock exchange should take place on December 28th, in a week crowded with the latest IPOs of the year.

As communicated last week, the price range of the shares was set between a minimum of 1.73 and a maximum of 1.86 euros per share, corresponding to a pre-money equity value of the company of between 40.1 million and 43.1 million euros.
