Kronoberg’s unique position threatened when the county’s only bus driver training is closed

In a report produced by the transport companies, Kronoberg stands as one of two regions where the companies do not experience any problems with recruiting bus drivers. The recipe for success may have been in the local bus driver training in Växjö.

– We have the Vocational Academy here in Växjö, and we’ve got many drivers from there, says Michaela Svensson, driver coach at Bergkvarabuss.

Bergkvarabuss runs all city and regional traffic in Kronoberg, and Michaela Svensson says they cooperated with the training in Växjö and that it has acted as a recruitment pool for the company.

– We fill our places and have had no difficulties with that, she says.

The training is discontinued

Now the Vocational Academy is closing the bus driver training in Växjö, and the operations manager at Bergkvarabuss, Zara Luhr, believes this may affect Kronoberg’s opportunities for recruitment.

– We don’t know where to recruit from instead. There are big risks that we start to experience the same problems as the rest of the country, says Zara Luhr.
