Kristoffer Olsson’s very first words after the fight for life – the heartwarming message everyone has been waiting for: “Love to you”

Kristoffer Olsson is now speaking out for the first time after the collapse in February.
“I want to say thank you to everyone who has thought of me,” he writes on Instagram.

On Sunday got Kristoffer Olsson be with Midtjylland and celebrate the championship gold. This after collapsing in his home last winter and being cared for on a ventilator for some time. Olsson saw the match in the last round of the Superliga, 3–3 against Silkeborg, which secured the gold for Midtjylland. Afterwards, he joined and accepted the big trophy.

“Good morning people and masters. I want to say thank you to everyone who thought of me and the support I received last night and throughout this tough period, love to everyone,” writes Olsson in his first Instagram post since January.

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“Everything goes up and down in life and also in football! So proud of the team, the club, the supporters and everyone around! Master.”

On February 20, the 28-year-old suffered several blood clots in the brain as a result of an extremely rare inflammation of the brain’s vessels. He was initially cared for on a ventilator at Aarhus Hospital.

A month ago, Midtjylland announced that Olsson had been phased out of the respirator and moved to a center with a focus on advanced rehabilitation of neurological diseases.

His condition has steadily improved, but the step to being able to play football is very long and it is uncertain whether a comeback is possible.

READ MORE: Caroline Seger’s heartwarming words about Marika Domanski Lyfors – who is fighting for her life: “She means everything”

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