Kristina was cheated in the billions mess – can be blown on damages

Falcon funds are described as Sweden’s biggest eco-crime, and right now a pilot case is underway where the state’s responsibility in the multi-billion mess will be tested.
But TV4 Nyheterna can now reveal that the state intends to claim that the statute of limitations has expired for the remaining savers – and that they may thus miss out on any compensation.

TV4 Nyheterna has followed Kristina Kobza, one of the victims in the Falcon funds scandal. Large parts of her premium pension were stolen in what is described as Sweden’s biggest eco-crime. She has followed with great interest the pilot case that the Center for Justice pursued, where they helped another victim of the Falcon funds to sue the state for lack of security in the pension system.

But now comes word from the state that the statute of limitations for the frauds expires in August. So even if the pilot case is successful, the other victims in Falcon funds may be left without compensation.

– It is really unfair. It should be that everything applies to everyone. You lose trust in the state, says Kristina Kobza.

Falsified relocation form

Kristina Kobza’s premium pension was moved to Falcon funds through a falsified transfer form that was read in automatically at the Pensions Authority – no security systems or checks were in place. The Center for Justice now says it can help affected savers extend the statute of limitations, and is urging affected savers to contact them.

But the Center for Justice also regrets that the Chancellor of Justice, who is prosecuting the state, is acting in this way.

– You could have chosen not to object to prescription. It would be a shame if the Court of Appeal came to the conclusion that the state has a responsibility, and that individuals still cannot receive compensation because it took too long, says Erik Scherstén, lawyer at the Center for Justice.

The Chancellor of Justice has declined an interview on the grounds that they do not want to comment on an ongoing process. Kristina Kobza is critical of the fact that none of the more than 20,000 affected savers in Falcon funds have so far received any compensation.

– It’s not me who hurt myself. It is the state and someone else. Then it’s them who should correct it, says Kristina Kobza.
