Kristersson’s response to Hungary’s new NATO demands

Before Hungary ratifies Sweden’s NATO application, an “explanation” is required, according to Hungarian minister Gergely Gulyás.
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) responded to the play, in Brussels today.
– I have said many times that each parliament must make its own decisions, I respect that. It applies to Turkey and it applies to Hungary, he says.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) responded on Thursday afternoon to Hungary’s latest move on the NATO issue.

– I have great respect for the fact that each individual NATO country must make its own decisions.

– It’s nothing I can do anything about, Kristersson continues.

The Hungarian government wants some type of explanation for how Sweden has described Hungary, it is believed. Will you and your government be able to give it to the Hungarian government?

– Each parliament makes its own decisions, it is only the Hungarian parliament that makes Hungarian decisions and I respect that it is every country that makes its decisions. The attitude of Sweden and all other NATO countries is crystal clear, says Kristersson (M).

Will discuss with Orbán

However, he believes that Sweden has good relations with Hungary and expects to be able to discuss the issue with Hungarian President Viktor Orbán during the summit.

– We will certainly have time to talk during these two days, I am convinced of that. We have done it before as well, as you know, says Kristersson to the journalists on site.

That Hungary ratifies Sweden’s NATO application before Turkey is no longer obvious, reported SVT News earlier on Thursday. Hungarian Minister Gergely Gulyás, who is in charge of Prime Minister Orbán’s office, reportedly expressed doubts at a press conference on Wednesday evening. The situation has worsened lately, according to Gulyás.

According to SVT, Gulyás must have signaled that Hungary wants “an explanation” for the criticism of Hungary’s democratic development and that a NATO yes is no longer self-evident.

In September, Hungarian politicians from the ruling Fidesz reacted to a feature that Utbildningsradion (UR) made in 2019. In the feature, UR reported on the negative development of democracy in Hungary.
