Kristersson: No tolerance for the intolerant

Kristersson No tolerance for the intolerant
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full screen Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M). Archive image. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) strongly opposes threats and hatred against Jews in Sweden.

– No tolerance for the intolerant, he says in the Riksdag.

In a party leader’s debate on the EU in the Riksdag on Wednesday, Ulf Kristersson addresses the flare-up of anti-Semitism in Sweden.

– Both in Sweden and Europe you can have different opinions about the conflicts in the Middle East. It belongs to our democracy, he says and continues:

– But it is completely unacceptable when actions and demonstrations against the war there turn into hatred and threats against Jews here.

Kristersson emphasizes that the government stands behind the Jewish minority in Sweden and quotes French President Emmanuel Macron.

– We must bring anti-Semitism back to where it belongs, in court and behind bars. No tolerance for the intolerant.
