Kristersson must not touch the unemployment fund

Kristersson must not touch the unemployment fund

Published: Just now

full screen Mattias Karlsson (SD) has worked with Jimmie Åkesson since his student days and is “chief ideologist” for the party. Archive image. Photo: Tim Aro/TT

SD leader Mattias Karlsson demands that the Moderates promise not to lower the unemployment insurance if the SD is to put forward an M-led government, reports HD and Sydsvenskan.

– It is hugely important for us, he tells the newspapers.

The four parties on the right discuss in the days after the election how power should be divided after all the votes have been counted. Ulf Kristersson’s side has the majority of seats and he is expected to be the first to be called to the speakership. But in order to become prime minister, the Moderate leader must unite the parties.

SD has said on several occasions that if the party does not get ministerial positions, it will cost a lot politically. One of the requirements is that the higher level of social security that the Swedish government introduced during the pandemic remains.

– It has always been our opinion that politics should be based on the principle that you do your duty and demand your right. And if you become unemployed through no fault of your own, you must have a reasonable opportunity to change. You shouldn’t drive people from their homes, says Karlsson.
