Kristersson: Jump on the train

Kristersson Jump on the train

Updated 10.33 | Published 10.14




full screen Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M). Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

S leader Magdalena Andersson criticizes the government and SD for not doing enough to equip Sweden.

– If our infrastructure cannot handle snowy weather, how will things go in a real crisis, she says in the Riksdag’s first party leader debate.

Immediately after the no-confidence vote against Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari, the party leaders collide in a debate in the Riksdag.

The S leader focuses on Sweden’s security, how well the country is prepared for a crisis. She sees flaws in the way the government and the cooperative party SD handle the climate crisis, the road and rail infrastructure and healthcare.

– The situation is urgent. Healthcare only has to function in a crisis, says Andersson.

V leader Nooshi Dadgostar also criticizes the government for not investing enough in healthcare.

– The government and the Sweden Democrats are using the current economic situation to destroy our healthcare. They sacrifice the elderly, the pregnant, the children, the seriously ill. They sacrifice our common security in order to gradually privatize healthcare, she says.

– I urge the Sweden Democrats and the government to rethink. Stop the madness, stop the cuts in healthcare.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) addresses the opposition in his speech.

– You who want a powerful offensive against serious crime, more nuclear power, less immigration to cope with integration – you who want it, jump on the train.

He describes it as Sweden leaving a dark year behind, with a record number of explosions and a record number of outsiders killed by gang violence.

Security has become the great fateful issue of our time, continues the prime minister.

– 2024 will also be a trying year.
