Kristersson: I want to do everything I can to create a new government

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Kristersson began his speech at the Moderates’ election vigil by mentioning that the party has stood up for its values ​​and policies throughout the election campaign.

– Now the voters have had their say and we only have a preliminary result on Wednesday, but from the bottom of my heart: Thank you for all the outstanding efforts.

He directed a special thank you to the voters who voted for the Moderates with the hope of change.

“Want to ask for patience”

– We are not just called the gathering party, we are the gathering party and now Sweden needs exactly that. We don’t yet know how this election will end. We Moderates went to the polls believing that change is not only necessary but also possible and that we can lead that change. ´

Kristersson emphasizes that he wants to gather, not divide, and at the same time respect genuine differences of opinion in politics.

– I want to ask for your patience right now, the definitive result must be determined. If we then have the parliamentary conditions, I will gather my side in politics for cooperation. I will be extremely humble, but I am ready to do everything I can to create a new, effective and stable government for all of Sweden and for all citizens.

M looks to be smaller than SD

The electoral authority has announced that an election result can only be presented on Wednesday. Before then, among other things, the foreign votes must be counted.

By 01:00 at night, about 93 percent of the votes had been counted. Based on this preliminary result, M, SD, KD and L collect 176 seats in the Riksdag, while S, V, MP and C collect 173 seats.

According to the preliminary results, the Moderates gather 19 percent of the votes, which is a decline of 0.8 percentage points compared to the 2018 election. The party looks to be smaller than the Sweden Democrats, who, according to the preliminary results, get 20.7 percent.
