Krister’s rifle light requires a gun license and may need to be locked up

Kristers rifle light requires a gun license and may need
The police: “Not okay” • Requires a gun license

Updated 15.24 | Published 15.05




full screenKrister Sjöberg and the rifle lamp that he inherited from his father. Photo: Private

A lamp made from an old rifle has been passed down for generations.

Now the police want to review how the rifle light is stored.

– It feels really sick, says Krister Sjöberg, who owns it.

Krister Sjöberg, 55, is the owner of a spectacular lamp, to say the least.

It is actually made from an old rifle and was manufactured once upon a time by his grandfather.

– He was a professional soldier. Then my father inherited it after him, says Krister Sjöberg.

The rifle lamp has been in Krister Sjöberg’s life for as long as he can remember. But after his own father passed away and he had to take over the lamp himself, problems have arisen.

“Feel very sick”

The lamp requires both a weapons license and a plugging certificate, which is a certificate that the rifle cannot be used as a weapon.

– I contacted the police and explained the situation, that I have a lamp and no weapon that you can shoot with. But then I got the answer that I have to keep it in a gun safe, says Krister Sjöberg and continues:

– It feels really sick, should I put a lamp in a gun cabinet?

But Krister soon realized that this was a battle he was not going to win and therefore chose to contact a gunsmith to have the rifle plugged, according to all the rules of the art.

The party cost a total of SEK 1,800. When all the certificates were submitted, Krister Sjöberg realized that he now had the green light to start using his light source. But not.

– Now they want to come to my house and check how I store the lamp, explains Krister Sjöberg.


full screen The rifle that the lamp is made of is unusable, but according to the police, must still not be displayed. Photo: Private

The police: “We don’t think it’s appropriate”

Jenny Beauregard Camp is group leader in the police legal department.

She cannot comment on individual cases, but explains that even an unusable and sealed weapon needs to be stored in such a way that unauthorized persons cannot access it.

– It can be made usable again. Therefore, it should not be kept open and visible in a room where there is a risk of it falling into the wrong hands, says Jenny Beauregard Camp.

She explains that the police have even higher requirements for usable weapons, such as hunting rifles. A muzzled weapon does not necessarily need to be kept locked up.

– But it shouldn’t be in front of, for example, a living room table, where someone can see it and take it, she says.

Can you have a lamp made from a useless rifle in the living room?

– We don’t think it’s appropriate, no, says Jenny Beauregard Camp.


fullscreen Krister Sjöberg’s rifle lamp inherited from his grandfather. Photo: Private
