Kouvola’s Ballonlöjje bronze in men’s Superpesis | Sports in a nutshell

KPL’s medal collection was completed to twenty

The Kouvola Ballonlöjie crew, which finished second in the Superpesis regular season, ended their season with bronze medals around their necks. KPL’s all-time sixth WC bronze and 20th medal (5-9-6) went to Kempele at the expense of Kiri with a 2-0 win.

On Sunday, KPL beat Kirin 2-0 (5–3, 13–2).

KPL’s Jokerit Patrik Wahlsten and Juha Korhonen hit five runs to a man. Team captain Matti Latvala (at 7/7) Nelonen did a hundred percent work with the bat and brought in four runs.

– It happened that September was still as hot as midsummer. Two years after missing the quarterfinals, it was a neat thing to return the club to medals. Young people have pushed themselves into big roles, so the future looks good, commented Latvala, 40, who has won his ninth medal and is continuing his career.

For KPL, the medal was the fifth of seven in the last season.
