Korsakoff syndrome: signs, evolution, life expectancy

Korsakoff syndrome signs evolution life expectancy

Korsakoff syndrome is a severe neurological disorder, which most often affects alcoholics who are deficient in vitamin B1 in the brain. In particular, it causes memory problems.

Definition: what is Korsakoff syndrome?

“Korsakov’s Syndrome primarily affects alcoholics chronic malnutrition with a maximum frequency in the fifth and sixth decades. These patients present with severe vitamin B1 deficiency due to lack of intake or malabsorption“, explains Dr. Antoine Moulonguet, neurologist. Also called “thiamine”, vitamin B1 plays a key role in the transformation of glucose into energy, especially for the brain. A Prolonged deficiency of this vitamin can lead to irreversible brain damage, affecting memory circuitsresponsible for Korsakoff’s syndrome. Other much rarer causes have been described: brain tumour, vascular accident, head trauma, encephalitis, severe malnutrition.

What are the symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome?

“Korsakoff’s syndrome is manifested by memory problems with so-called “anterograde” amnesia, characterized by the inability to form new memories. The patient gradually forgets what has just been said to him or what he did a few moments earlier. It is associated with time orientation problems and in space with often false recognition of people and a storytelling, fantastic stories fruit of the patient’s imagination”, explains the neurologist. The patient is totally unaware of his disorderkeeps capacities of reasoning and judgment and the memory of old facts.

“Korsakoff’s syndrome isusually installs gradually in the aftermath of cerebral suffering secondary to chronic alcoholism, called Gayet Wernicke’s encephalopathy. The impairment comes in the form of a mental confusion associated with impaired balance and vision. This encephalopathy is reversible if it is treated with high doses of vitamin B1 by injection, which avoids the installation of irreversible Korsakoff syndrome”. observes the doctor.

The diagnosis of Korsakoff’s syndrome is purely clinical, it is most often made in the emergency room where this seriously disoriented patient was taken. “We make a brain scan without injection to eliminate other causes of neurological disorders in the alcoholic, in particular an intracranial hematoma and a blood test in search of a metabolic disorder”, says the specialist.

“There is no no curative treatment of Korsakoff’s syndrome, the damage to the memory circuits is irreparable, which underlines the importance of preventive treatment and the “reflex” of the immediate administration of high doses of vitamin B1 to any confused alcoholic suspected of encephalopathy which can quickly lead to Korsakoff’s syndrome”, warns the neurologist. The subsequent management of the patient must be done in a specialized center taking into account the severity of the neurological impairment, with the restoration of a balanced diet, treatment of alcohol addiction, psychological and speech therapy support. The prognosis remains very bleak.

Life expectancy: can you die from Korsakoff syndrome?

We does not die of Korsakoff syndrome but the permanent brain damage makes it impossible to return to an independent life.

Thanks to Dr Antoine Moulonguet, author under the name of Antoine Sénanque of “Healing when it’s impossible” at Marabout editions.
