Kolibri, an application for children and parents to prevent bullying

Kolibri an application for children and parents to prevent bullying

Nearly one in two French people declares having repeatedly suffered a form of violence in the school or extra-curricular context over a long period. Two-thirds say they have been victims of cyberbullying. To prevent these situations, the association “Marion la main tendée” is launching an application which aims to detect weak signals of harassment so that the worst does not happen.

Kolibri is the name of this first free harassment prevention application. Its specificity? Its two interfaces. One for the child and the other for his parent. Thanks to a mood forecast and messaging, the child can, with one click, easily give the first signs of bullying.

We know that victims find it difficult to put words into words. For fear of reprisals, for fear that the situation will get worse. And also because of a reasoning that leads to believe that one is guilty and that it is normal that one does this to me. This application can allow them (to take) that step. To be able to act », affirms Mathilde Zrida in charge of the therapeutic pole of theassociation Marion the outstretched hand.

Thanks to the application, the child can also have access to information on bullying, but also to useful numbers. It can also allow child witnesses to make a report. For this mother whose child has been bullied for years, no doubt the application could have helped her son.

The app is available on Apple Store and on Google Play

► To listen also: School harassment: the Maison de Marion treats victims and aggressors
