Koh Lanta: There’s something wrong, what’s going on in the new season leads the program

Koh Lanta Theres something wrong whats going on in the

“Koh Lanta”, do we look or not? Something is not going into the emblematic adventure program of TF1, which has been wading since its launch.

Called “The revenge of the 4 lands”, the new season of Koh Lanta has been started for a few weeks already and we feel that something is wrong in this umpteenth edition of the adventure game. However, with “the 4 lands”, the production decided this year to resume a concept already tested previously, with four tribes supposed to represent the north, south, east and west of France with dignity. One of these recipes that has been that for 25 years, Koh Lanta Brought together millions of enthusiasts each year, according to the adventures of a flopping of backpackers in the hostile lands of the planet.

But this year, the magic of the emblematic program of TF1 seems broken. The historically low hearings of the first two bonuses worry, as pointed out The Parisian This week, in a very alarming article. On February 25, the launch painfully brought together 3.7 million curious people, establishing a sad record. Many viewers have not even noticed that Koh Lanta was already back on TF1, in the middle of the school holidays it must be said. A week later, the tumble continued with only 2.61 million viewers on average, a loss of an additional 500,000 people.

Koh Lanta, “It’s always the same”

How to explain this start -up more than wind? First there is the plethora of candidates this year (24 or 4 teams of 6), which drowns the viewer under an avalanche of new faces sometimes difficult to follow. “We get lost, there are far too much,” said a fan of the first hour in the columns of the newspaper. You can also cite the program, more and more soft and repetitive from one season to another. “It’s always the same thing, it lacks renewal,” regrets another viewer. It must be said that the seasons are linked at a frantic pace, with now two editions per year, enough to tire even the most bitten and give a wallpaper effect on the program in the TV grid: it is there, it is beautiful, but we end up not seeing it by dint of seeing it too …

The duration of the episodes, often greater than 2:30, also weighs in the balance. Broadcast on Tuesday evening for a few years, Koh Lanta Stretch until late hours, making family viewing more complicated than when the show was scheduled for Friday. “Children do not hold, and either,” says a mother.

Faced with this worrying erosion of its audiences, the future of Koh Lanta seems more than ever to be suspended. After 25 years of good and loyal service, the cult program should quickly be in the TF1 crosshairs, which has not accustomed us to hesitate or feel sorry for the fate of its jewels when they have lost value. If for the moment Julien Magne, the producer of the show, explains that these audiences are linked to the Champions League which can divert part of the public and that they are caught up in Viewing in Replay (1.1 million additional viewers on the last episode), it will quickly have to reconquer its audience.
