Koh Lanta: here is the scenario that will inevitably happen in the final

Koh Lanta here is the scenario that will inevitably happen

The final of Koh Lanta 2024, The Immunity Hunters, takes place this week. And the scenario of this finale can only be this…

The Koh Lanta final is broadcast this Tuesday June 4 on TF1. Léa, Julie and Meïssa compete in the final pole test. And the question burns on our lips: which of the three finalists will then manage to convince the final jury and win the 100,000 euros promised to the winner? After 38 days of a grueling adventure in the Philippines, numerous twists and turns and the successive eliminations of two heavyweights of the season, the Béarnais carpenter Sébastien then the former boxer Amri during the last episodes, the possibilities are multiple.

As is tradition during the Koh Lanta final, the finalists must first compete in the iconic poles event. The principle is simple but terribly trying: balance for as long as possible on a pole 20 cm in diameter. An event that requires concentration, mental strength and endurance. The last one still standing on his post will have a decisive advantage: choosing who will accompany him during the last council, facing the final jury.

The latter will be played in front of the last 11 candidates eliminated since reunification. Among them, we find striking faces like Sébastien and Amri, but also Aurélien and Pauline. It is this jury which will have the last word and will elect the big winner of this 2024 edition of Koh-Lanta. And each juror here has a history with each of the finalists. Enough to develop the most reliable forecasts.

And the winner of Koh Lanta 2024 is…

If the outcome of this final seems uncertain, in our opinion only one scenario can materialize. On the poles, Meïssa could appear as the big favorite, but Léa has shown great success in the balance tests and is driven by unfailing determination, which could well ensure her a victory. The young 28-year-old adventurer has had a solid career, distinguishing herself in numerous events but also in camp life. Above all, she was able to forge strong bonds with many adventurers, both in her initial yellow team and among the reds. Alliances, tarnished by almost no betrayal, which could well make the difference in front of the jury.

This is where he has a head start over his two adversaries, with Meïssa conversely risking paying for his strategic reversals and his rapprochement with Amri which displeased his former red teammates. As for Julie, if her loyalty and her investment are unanimously praised, her lack of risk-taking could be criticized, particularly during the orientation test where she quietly followed Amri to win.

In all likelihood, once the poles event is over, Léa should logically win in the final, collecting almost all of the jury’s votes with the exception of Amri if she were opposed to Meïssa. She would benefit from half a dozen votes against Julie in another scenario (those of Amri, Pauline, Océane, Sébastien, Aurélien and Meïssa seem assured). Meïssa’s only chance seems to lie in a final duel against Julie, but the latter would still be beaten, only really being able to count on the votes of Amri and Pauline.

If she manages to last longer than Julie and Meïssa on the posts, Léa will therefore have plenty of time to choose her opponent for the final vote. And the young woman understands this well, her interest will a priori be to face Meïssa rather than Julie to put all the chances on her side. But be wary, because as the TF1 game has often proven, certainties can sometimes be swept away and surprises are always possible. Answer in a few days for the final outcome of Koh Lanta 2024.
