Koh Lanta: candidate notes and summary of episode 10

Koh Lanta candidate notes and summary of episode 10

KOH LANTA 2022. After reunification, two candidates were eliminated following counseling and a knockout immunity test. Check out the summary of episode 10 and the contestants’ notes.

[Mis à jour le 3 mai 2022 à 23h20] After the elimination of Colin, Olga is inconsolable on the camp of the reunited tribe. The young woman not only lost an ally and friend, she also lost the word of the ex-Reds who had promised to keep her and the Swiss candidate in the race for four more councils. Olga therefore realizes that she will have to deal with the ex-Jaunes who are also trying to reassure her, Yannick the first. This one imagines bringing down a Red at the next council, and it would be up to Maxime to open the ball according to him. But, for that, you have to secure the right number of votes. The test of comfort, under the influence of the cursed totem, upsets the balance of the reunited tribe. Indeed, the first two to lose will have a vote against them on the board. Yannick, after only holding out for 14 seconds, will again have a vote against him at the next board meeting. He is followed shortly after by Fouzi, who will also have a voice against him. It is François, true leader of the ex-Reds, who pocketed the victory and decided to take Ambre, whom he considers crucial in the performance of his former team, to an island full of comfort and serenity.

The immunity test is eliminatory in episode 10 of Koh Lanta the cursed totem. This is the test of the grappling hooks that the candidates must use to catch and bring back three pucks several meters apart. It’s a new victory for François who seems to be on an upward slope in his adventure. At the back of the pack, Anne-Sophie faces Pauline. The two young women are fighting for their survival this season and the duel is fierce but Pauline ends up losing. She is therefore eliminated from the Koh Lanta 2022 adventure under the dumbfounded eyes of her formerly Red comrades. François and Ambre also show him all their affection at the time of his elimination, unhappy to lose their “little sister” in the adventure.

Back on the camp of the reunited tribe, it is now time for negotiations before the council of elimination. And the strategies are numerous, especially because Yannick and Fouzi are both up for a vote following their curse during the comfort test. Maxime, meanwhile, is still not appreciated by his ex-Red comrades and the former Yellows are well aware of this. They want to try to press on this potential weakness in the ex-red block. But a last-minute strategy, led by Bastien, could win the day: what if Maxime joined the former Yellows in a poker gamble mode vote against Louana? This would surprise and would definitely keep a strong head away! Unfortunately, Maxime does not work in the scheme and ends up side with his adventure comrades. With 8 votes against him, Yannick is eliminated while Maxime takes respectively 6 and 1 vote against them.

Like every week, we invite you to vote for your favorite candidates from episode 10 of Koh Lanta the cursed totem. Did you enjoy an action from an adventurer? Do you want to reward his behavior? Vote for up to 4 contestants you liked this week to boost their overall score. To see the results of the survey, simply participate below. Who will be your top candidates for episode 10 of Koh Lanta this week? Vote below!

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The candidates from Koh Lanta are going on an adventure in the Philippines. After a season marked by the return of iconic former adventurers from the TF1 program, the 2022 season sees the return of anonymous people. In total, they are 24 candidates, 12 men and 12 women, to try the adventure of the cursed totem in the hope of becoming the big winner of the season.

Koh Lanta is back for a new season, entitled “The cursed totem”, in 2022. This one can be discovered on Tuesday evening, since February 22. Each episode is broadcast on TF1 from 9:10 p.m., as is usually the case. The first channel therefore decided to keep the Tuesday evening slot, tested during the All Star season in 2021, instead of Friday evening as was traditionally the case until then.

Program sheet

Koh Lanta is an adventure game broadcast since 2001 on TF1. It was presented by Hubert Auriol for the first season. Since 2002, it is Denis Brogniart who is in charge of the animation of the program. Several adventurers try to survive on a deserted island until the finale. In this entertainment of survival and strategy, several tests punctuate each episode, and a candidate is eliminated by the other participants, until there are only five left. The latter then decide on two emblematic tests: the orientation and the posts, before the final vote. Since its inception, the game has seen many rule changes.

Koh Lanta is a TF1 program broadcast twice each year on the first channel: a first season is broadcast in the spring, a second at the end of the summer. Each episode is available on television but also live on the MyTF1 site via tablet, computer or smartphone. The show is available for replay the next day on the MyTF1 website and this for a period of 7 days. Note that the replays are posted on the Salto platform for an indefinite period, which allows the most avid fans to see or re-watch the entire season.

Due to accusations of cheating which would involve adventure game finalists, there was no winner at the end of the last season of Koh Lanta, at the end of 2021. A first in the adventure game. According to Le Parisien, it is Claude Dartois who would have obtained the most votes from his partners and opponents during the final council. But the ballots will not even have been counted … Broadcast on June 4, 2021, the previous final of Koh Lanta (The Secret Weapons) had crowned Maxine, who is therefore the only winner of Koh Lanta in 2021.
