Koh Lanta: After an annoying info on swimwear, production is explained on the instructions given to candidates

Koh Lanta After an annoying info on swimwear production is

The production of “Koh Lanta” leaves nothing to chance and even imposes on candidates a very strict dress code.

The 2025 season of Koh Lantastarted at the end of February, is in doubt. Called “La Revanche des 4 lands”, it displays the audiences well below previous editions, with 4.3 million viewers on average for the launch and barely 2.5 million for the latest episodes. However, TF1 has put the package this year with a concept already experienced in the past and four teams representing the regions of France: the North, the South, the East and the West.

Adventure Line Productions (ALP), producer of Koh Lantaleaves nothing to chance so that the candidates are up to the task, by organizing the smallest details of the show. Absolutely everything is millimeter, from casting to the final assembly, even going through the content of the candidates’ package. An “adventure bag”, according to the employed jargon, whose content is also controlled before letting go of the adventurers in the wild.

This luggage is limited to the strict necessary: ​​”Pants, shorts, two tops, one with long sleeves, a swimsuit, two underwear (and a bra for women), two pairs of socks, a hat, a pair of sunglasses, two pairs of shoes, a sweater or a jacket”, detailed the Parisian In a recent article. On the camp, no clothing or spare equipment is provided, except in an emergency. Applicants must therefore do with this meager Trousseau for 40 days.

Why are women forced to wear two -room jerseys in Koh Lanta? © Illustration Photo – Gorgev, 123RF

But the most surprising is the instructions regarding the adventurers’ swimsuits. This year, production has prohibited women from leaving with a jersey a room in their business, assures Le Parisien. And the justification is disconcerting: it is indeed “a concern for equity with men, because it would almost return to an additional T-shirt”, justified Julien Magne, the director of Alp, with the newspaper. As a result, you cannot see the candidates in Bikini, on the tests or at the camp.

And as if to counterbalance this somewhat embarrassing info on the jerseys, Alp did not hesitate to deliver other crisp anecdotes. For example, an assistant must ensure that each candidate “has at least one piece of the color of his future tribe”, says producer Corinne Vaillant. This leads to using tips to avoid waking suspicions, as a candidate believes that a color will be better than another, will decide with the ocean blue, or will better go to the camera.

Sometimes you also have to be persuasion, as Julien Magne also indicated. “I remember an adventurer who had sent two string thongs. She had the opportunity to take them, but our collaborator who took care of the bags had allowed her to make her think a little: ‘Is it to spend 40 days sitting on the sand, it was the best option there is?”, He said. We leave the question unanswered.
