Knutson: “Very difficult situation for the Christian Democrats”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

On Tuesday, the Christian Democrats announced that party secretary Johan Ingerö will leave his post. After the announcement, Ingerö himself went on Facebook and wrote that he had been separated from his mission and that it all comes down to a party colleague reporting him to the police for an incident in 2014.

Shortly afterwards, EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal wrote on Facebook that she has filed a police report against a party colleague who “tried to claim the right to my body”, but without naming anyone.

“Very difficult situation”

– I have never witnessed a party secretary being forced out of his position in this way, with this type of accusation against him, says SVT’s political commentator Mats Knutson.

Events like this create negative attention for the party in question, emphasizes Knutson. In addition, this is taking place in a situation where the Christian Democrats are already losing public opinion and are criticized for their efforts regarding the tours around the electricity price support.

Johan Ingerö is also a central figure in Ebba Busch’s close circle and has held an important position in the party.

– These things together create a very difficult situation for the Christian Democrats, says Mats Knutsson.

SVT Nyheter has searched for Ebba Busch during the day without results
