Known influencer pair exposed to threats and blackmail

Known influencer pair exposed to threats and blackmail

According to information to Express The couple was required of over SEK 10 million, and threats of violence were directed at them if the money was not paid. On Saturday, an attack with hand grenade must have been planned against the relatives of the female influencer.

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Were threatened via email – was required on a millionaire

This week, the female influencer received an extortion email where she was required for a huge amount of money. The e -mail contained threat of violence if the payment failed. The influence has reported the incident to the police.

“The case is at NOA and it is an ongoing police investigation,” the influencer communicator told Expressen.

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Planned attack revealed

At the same time, the police have received information about a planned attack directed at the relatives of the female influencer. A man contacted the police and told him he was offered SEK 100,000 to throw a hand grenade at an address during the weekend. The address then turned out to belong to the influencer’s family. The man who alerted did not take on the assignment, but according to information, another person must have considered the attack. However, it never got off.

The police acted quickly and the relatives no longer live at the address. A notification of attempted extortion and the instigation of general destruction has been established.

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