Known as the ‘silent killer’! Pay attention to the 4 symptoms seen in your head: If not prevented, it causes many diseases!

Known as the silent killer Pay attention to the 4

Hypertension, which is chronic high blood pressure; The main risk factor for cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, heart failure, cerebral hemorrhage and stroke. Therefore, diagnosing hypertension early is very important to prevent many diseases.

According to the news in Express, silent killer hypertension has 4 important symptoms seen in the head. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these symptoms may occur if your blood pressure is too high.

Most people with hypertension do not feel any symptoms. Checking your blood pressure is the best way to find out if you have high blood pressure. If hypertension is left untreated, it can cause other health problems such as kidney disease, heart disease and stroke. You may start to notice symptoms if your blood pressure is 180/120 or higher.

The four symptoms that appear in the head are as follows:

1) Severe headaches,

headache dizziness brain

2) Blurred vision or vision changes,


3) Nose bleeding,


4) It is a condition where buzzing occurs in the ears.


However, the WHO lists other potential signs as follows:

  • chest pain
  • dizziness
  • difficulty breathing
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • confusion, confusion
  • abnormal heart rhythm

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and have high blood pressure, seek help immediately. The only way to detect hypertension is to have your blood pressure measured by a healthcare professional. Measuring blood pressure is quick and painless.


Although individuals can measure their own blood pressure using automated devices, evaluation by a healthcare professional is important to assess risk and related conditions.

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