Know these before hair transplant! It is vital

Know these before hair transplant It is vital

Hair loss and baldness are among the common problems of many people. A solution to baldness can be found with hair transplantation, which is preferred from all over the world. After hair transplantation operations, positive results are obtained both physically and psychologically. It is very important in the process before and after the hair transplant operation as well as the hair transplant operation, the patient needs to be careful and attentive during these processes.


Giving information about the hair transplant operation, GlobalHair Medical Director Berkant Dural says that people who have hair transplant should not touch the treated area for the first 48 hours. GlobalHair Medical Director Berkant Dural said, “People who want to have a hair transplant should pay attention to some rules after the operation as well as before. Because in the first 48 hours, hair follicles can be damaged as easily as they are sensitive. That’s why the operation area for the first 48 hours should be protected from all kinds of contact,” he said.


GlobalHair Medical Director Berkant Dural stated that it is the healthiest to remove the bandage worn under the supervision of a physician in order to protect the area after the hair transplant operation; “The bandages are removed within 48 hours of the operation, and a bandage is not applied again to prevent sweating in the hair follicles. At this point, it is very important in the first wash after the bandage. Even if it is micro-surgery, since the operation performed on the hair follicles will cause a certain sensitivity on the scalp, washing should be done carefully and sensitively. The hair should be washed and dried with a suitable shampoo so as not to damage the hair follicles. Since the sensitivity will decrease after one or two washings, the normal washing method can also be used in the next processes.



Berkant Dural, who mentioned the points to be considered in the 15-day period following the hair transplantation, continued his words as follows: “Many activities should be applied carefully, especially in the first 2 weeks, in order to protect the inflammation and possible blows in the transplanted area. Places where intense sweating will occur, such as Turkish bath, sauna, and swimming, should be avoided in the first 15 days as they will damage the hair follicles. At the end of 15 days, people can go to the hairdresser for any hair procedure, provided that they do not shave their hair. For sports that are suitable for a blow to the head, we can extend our time up to 45 days. During the 2-week period, people should not forget that they should also take a break from sexual intercourse. In addition to all these, the drugs given should be consumed without interruption, and when faced with an abnormal situation, one should definitely reach the place where the operation was performed.
