Knife attack in Bas-Rhin: a teenager dies of a heart attack. How is it possible ?

Knife attack in Bas Rhin a teenager dies of a heart

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    Last Thursday, during the knife attack that occurred in front of a school near Strasbourg, a confined schoolgirl died after suffering a heart attack. Is stress to blame? Our medical director, Dr. Gérald Kierzek answers us.

    Can too much stress kill a teenager? According to RTL information, a 14-year-old schoolgirl died during the knife attack in Souffelweyersheim on Thursday April 18. But she is not a direct victim of the attacker: she would have suffered a heart attack linked to this situation.

    Uneasiness during the confinement of his college

    During the confinement procedure decided at the time of the attack, the schoolgirl “experienced an episode of very strong stress which resulted in this cardiac arrest”said the rector of the Bas-Rhin academy Olivier Faron on Friday.

    According to the information provided, the college teams reacted immediately by providing first aid and called the SAMU who transported the teenager to the emergency room in serious condition.

    The parents filed a complaint for manslaughter.

    Can you die of a heart attack at 14?

    Losing your child to a heart attack seems unthinkable. But according to Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo, it is not totally impossible. “An emotion that is too strong can cause a heart attack through what is called a catecholaminergic storm, that is to say, generally too much adrenaline delivered into the body.”

    Stress can also be the cause of Tako-tsubo or broken heart syndrome, the appearance of acute heart failure following an emotional or physical shock which is however not fatal.

    But in this news item, it is the age of the victim that raises the question: can you die of a heart attack at 14 years old during a stressful situation? Yes, “but the tragedy is often associated with an undetected cardiac pathology” tempers our expert.

    An ongoing investigation to find out more

    Cardiac pathology, bad reaction from the teaching team? An investigation is now underway. An autopsy and further examinations were also ordered to determine the precise circumstances. .“We will analyze in depth what happened. If there are lessons to be learned, we will learn them” added the rector.

    These investigations were entrusted to the Strasbourg research section which is also in charge of that on the two attacked schoolgirls. The man suspected of being the author of the stabbings, aged 30, was placed in pre-trial detention at the Strasbourg remand center.
