Klarna calls off the strike – signed collective agreement

It was after six months of collective agreement negotiations that Sweden’s Engineers and the Union interrupted the collective agreement negotiations. On October 26, Klarna was notified of industrial action. Negotiations have since resumed with the help of mediators.

There will be no strike

As the parties agree to the mediator’s offer, the notice of industrial action at Klarna Bank AB is therefore withdrawn by Sweden’s Engineers and the Union.

Around 2,000 employees work at Klarna’s headquarters in Stockholm, according to the union’s rough estimate.

“I am happy that we have reached an agreement that combines Klarna’s rapid mobility with the clarity of the Swedish model. I am convinced that we will benefit from this agreement and that Klarna can contribute to making the Swedish model stronger from the inside,” says Sebastian Siemiatkowskico-founder and CEO of Klarna, in a press release.
