Kitchen chaos: No compensation for missed flights

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Many travelers are consulted to get advice on possible compensation, says Anna-Karin Baltzari Danfors, head of the Consumers’ Insurance Bureau.

– But the insurance does not cover events like this, but only if you get sick or a plan is delayed. Unfortunately, many are not aware of it, she says.

What you can try to get out of the airline, however, are the taxes and fees you have paid, but they are often a small part of the ticket price.

She therefore urges travelers, as the airports and airlines have announced, to be out in good time.

Customer responsible

You can also not request compensation from the airlines, according to SAS’s communications director Karin Nyman.

– The rules are very clear in the directives and agreements that exist: The customer is fully responsible for bringing the flight. It is therefore important to be out in as good a time as required, she says.

But exactly how long is “good time” is not entirely clear. When the estimated queue time exceeds 45 minutes, Swedavia stops providing forecasts on its website.

– It is very difficult to say how long it takes, we do not have control over the security checks. But if you have the benchmark three hours, then you will have time for your flight, says Karin Nyman.


The background to the long queues is, according to Swedavia’s CEO Jonas Abrahamsson, that it has been difficult to find staff for the security checks in particular, while travel is now gaining momentum after the pandemic.

The company is now taking in staff from other airports and from other staffing companies. Administrative personnel are also brought in to release security personnel. In addition, security checks are being rebuilt so that there is more room for travelers to prepare for the check.

Ellen Laurin, press officer at Swedavia, recommends that you check in online and that you pick up your things in advance already when you are in the queue for the security check.

– Then we recommend that you consult with your airline about what they recommend, she says.
