King Mohammed VI wants a “return to normal” with Algeria

King Mohammed VI wants a return to normal with Algeria

King Mohammed VI of Morocco wished on Saturday evening a “ back to normal with Algeria and the reopening of the borders between the two Maghreb powers, despite the break in diplomatic relations, during the traditional speech marking the anniversary of his accession to the throne.

3 mins

We pray to the Most High for a return to normal and a reopening of the borders between our two neighboring countries and our two brotherly peoples. “, declared the Cherifian monarch in an address to the radio-television nation.

Borders have been closed since 1994 and Algeria severed diplomatic ties with Morocco in August 2021, accusing Rabat of ” hostile acts “. A decision ” completely unjustified “, according to Rabat. Since then, the two neighbors have maintained terrible relations in a context of regional rivalry exacerbated by their antagonism over the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

For nearly 50 years, an armed conflict has opposed Morocco to the separatists of the Polisario Front, supported by Algeria. Rabat advocates an autonomy plan under its exclusive sovereignty, while the Polisario calls for a self-determination referendum under the aegis of the UN.

On July 17, Israel’s recognition of the “ moroccan sovereignty on this former Spanish colony still has heightened tensions with Algiers who castigated “ foreign maneuvers “. In a press release, the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced “ the harmony of the occupiers’ policies, their complicity in the violation of international laws (…), encroachment on the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and of the Sahrawi people to self-determination “.

A so-called policy outstretched hand »

We reassure our brothers in Algeria, their leadership and their people that they will never have to fear malice from Morocco. “, assured Mohammed VI. The Moroccan sovereign calls each year for rapprochement between the two neighboring countries. “ We also confirm to them all the value we attach to the bonds of affection and friendship, to the exchanges and interactions between our two peoples. “, he insisted.

In November 2022, the King of Morocco Mohammed VI invites the Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to come to dialogue in the kingdom. An invitation which is not new since the king officially advocates a policy called “ outstretched hand towards Algeria.

While the health of the head of state, who turns 60 on August 21, is a source of speculation in Morocco and outside, Mohammed VI, thinner than in recent weeks, read his speech from the Throne with a firm voice. which takes stock of the past year and sets out a roadmap for the months to come.

Extolling the ” seriousness of Moroccan youth “, he praised in particular” the feat of the national football team in Qatar in December 2022, the first African and Arab team to reach a World Cup semi-final. He was also delighted that at his initiative, Morocco has decided to present its joint candidacy with Spain and Portugal for the organization of the final stages of the 2030 World Cup.

(With AFP)
