Kindergarten activities: 10 ideas to do with the little ones!

Kindergarten activities 10 ideas to do with the little ones

What can we do with toddlers to occupy them in a playful way? Here is a small list of activities that we can offer them from 3 years old:

1 – Puzzles

If the boxes of 200 pieces are not for now, there is nevertheless a whole range of puzzles accessible from 3 years old. A simple activity and yet highly popular with children ! Especially since it is an opportunity for a shared time. You can opt for a animal theme, beach, princesses or even choose a puzzle bearing the image of one of their favorite characters. To do, undo and redo at will!

2 – Pearls

Learn to string beads is an activity that is generally also very popular with children aged 3 to 6 years old. They are chosen large enough to avoid any risk that he puts them in the mouth, of different shapes and colors. Stringing beads also allows children to work on their concentration and fine motor skills. To sharpen his creative talent too! At the end, he will be able to parade around the house with his creation around his neck!

3 – The salt dough

Among the flagship activities carried out in kindergarten, there is of course the salt dough ! Confections of hearts, letters of the alphabet, animals, there is an infinity of possibilities of creations. In terms of use, it’s about the same principle as modeling clay, except that you put it in the oven to harden the shapes, then all you have to do is paint them to give them color! The good idea to prolong the pleasure of a shared activity? Have them get their hands dirty and make the transition to some savings by making the salt dough together ourselves rather than buying it already made. And for good reason, the salt dough recipe couldn’t be simpler:

  • 2 glasses of flour
  • 1 glass of salt
  • 1 glass of lukewarm water

And a bowl to mix it all up.

4- The kitchen

It’s well known, kids love to cook. The opportunity for a delicious family moment that will end with a good tasting. Cooking allows them, along the way, to work on their precision, their concentration, to knead, mix, dose, discover the names of utensils, foods… and icing on the cake, to then devour their good little dishes!

5 – Modeling clay

Modeling clay gives children the opportunity to create all kinds of shapes while having fun from malleable textures available in different colors. This activity promotes your toddler’s imagination and motor skills (he crushes, crumbles, kneads the dough). If you don’t know what to do as animals or characters in modeling clay, here are some ideas drawn from Hugo the snail:

6 – The stickers

These small adhesive shapes that children can easily stick on a sheet are perfect for occupying 3-6 years old. And given the multitude of variations that exist (glitter stickers, in the shape of hearts, unicorns, rainbows, alphabets, flowers, etc.) they are not ready to get tired. Behind the playful aspect of the stickers, they require application (to stick them without tearing them), if possible in a harmonious way. Indeed, why not use the stickers to form a drawing?

7 – Painting

Our little budding Picassos love to paint ! That’s good, it’s also excellent for their psychomotor development and their creativity. At this age, water-washable paint and large paintbrushes are preferred. You can even opt for rollers or finger paint. Finally, of course, we do not forget the apron and the laminated placemat to limit the damage. To let children express themselves freely, we can offer them a painting workshop with the traces of their hands, but it is also possible to paint easily, with a few simple tricks, such as sponge painting for example. Here are some ideas for pretty canvases to inspire you;

8 – A giant fresco

It is (unfortunately) well known, toddlers have the annoying tendency to draw on the walls. And if for once, we allow them? But without damaging our walls preferably. For that, nothing could be simpler, we invest in a large sheet of A3 paper, see several that are glued (with fixed paste) to each other depending on the size of the wall section available. Then we give him colored pencils and our artist to play. We can also leave his work hanging so that he can add a few daily touches!

9 – Cutting

Besides bringing him great happiness, cut with age-appropriate scissors will allow your little schoolboy to work on his precision, his dexterity and his hand muscles. For the little ones, we start by having them cut out large simple shapes (squares, circles) which can then be glued together to form a design. For the older and more skilled, we can consider having them cut out smaller or/and more elaborate shapes such as figurines, hearts, etc.

10 – The memory

Playing board games with children under 6 is not always easy. The rules are often too complex or it is necessary to know how to read or count. Except for the Memory. The principle is simple and very popular with toddlers: The cards are spread face down on a flat surface and two are drawn at each turn. The goal? find the pairs. A fun activity that involves the concentration and memory. You will certainly be surprised to discover that your little blond head has a great memory!
