Kimmich is already vaccinated –

Kimmich is already vaccinated AScom

Joshua Kimmich, Bayern Munich player, is already vaccinated, as stated bild. The footballer has been at the center of controversy over his refusal to receive the dose against the coronavirus. In fact, the country’s Minister of Health offered to vaccinate him and explain the risks, since the midfielder stated that he did not trust the long-term side effects that the dose could have. However, his opinion of him has changed.

Since the German explained his skepticism about vaccination, he had to do three consecutive quarantines. Finally He tested positive for covid-19 in December and, after testing negative in the PCR, the consequences of the virus continued to keep him away from the playing fields: they had to do a slight pulmonary infiltration and he was unable to play again until January 7, missing a total of six games.

Last December, after passing the covid-19, He has already confirmed his change of decision and that, therefore, he was going to be vaccinated. And, according to the German media, Kimmich would have already received the immunization.
