Kim Kardashian talks about her injections and plastic surgery

Kim Kardashian talks about her injections and plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery, laser treatments, facial injections: Kim Kardashian reveals the secrets that allow her to stay young. Pete Davidson’s darling is really ready to do anything to counter the effects of time.

Kim Kardashian graces the cover of the magazine’s August issue pace, for which she gave an interview. In this one, the reality TV star talks openly about the procedures of plastic surgery and unconventional methods she would be willing to try to stay young at all costs.

Kim Kardashian confessed to hating her hands

If she admits to being obsessed with her appearance and aging, Kim Kardashian admits, in pacebe “in peace” with the fact of not being perfect. However, the former wife of Kanye West admits it: “I will do anything to look and feel younger“. That’s why she recently told the New York Times to be able to eat feces if it allowed him to attain eternal youth. “I was kidding, but now that I think about it, I’d probably eat sh*t if someone said to me ‘if you eat that bowl of poop every day, you’ll look younger'”, finally entrusted the mother of four children to Allure. And the parts of the body that betray age first are obviously the hands. That’s why Kim Kardashian doesn’t like hers. “I hate my hands they are wrinkled and coarse“, she confessed. Because for the companion of Pete Davidson the appearance is very important. “JI really, really care about being beautiful. I probably care more than 90% of the people on this planet.”she pointed out.

Injections made by Kim Kardashian

To see her luscious physique and her face without imperfections, one would think that Kim Kardashian is a follower of surgery and aesthetic medicine. However, she wanted to restore the truth to pace. The one who is now blonde has never had recourse to injections in the lips or cheeks. The 41-year-old American, who adds that she does not have eyelash extensions, admits having had Botox injected into her forehead only. Kim Kardashian’s secrets for preserving her youthful capital for as long as possible: laser treatments that she makes in the evening, after having put her children to bed, and the products of her new skincare brand, SKKN by Kim, which is a hit.
