Kim Jong-un: Russia and North Korea will sign “important documents” – L’Express

Washington and Seoul condemn arms shipments from Pyongyang to Moscow

Vladimir Putin will be in North Korea this Tuesday, June 18 and Wednesday, an exceptional visit at the end of which a strategic partnership agreement could be signed between these two countries that the West perceives as threats.

Americans and Europeans have been worried for months about the accelerated rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang, accusing the North Koreans of delivering munitions to Russia for its assault on Ukraine in exchange for technological, diplomatic and food assistance. Vladimir Putin’s diplomatic adviser, Yuri Ushakov, presented Vladimir Putin’s trip as a strong moment for the two countries which are under Western sanctions, and said he hoped that a strategic partnership agreement would be signed.

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“Important, very significant documents” will be signed, he told Russian media, referring to “the possible conclusion of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement”. “This treaty, if it is signed, will of course be conditioned by the profound evolution of the geopolitical situation in the world and in the region and by the qualitative changes which have recently taken place in our bilateral relations,” he said. he noted, saying he expected that “a final decision on his signature will be made in the coming hours”.

According to the same source, Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will also make “statements to the press” and the Russian president will attend a concert given in his honor. The master of the Kremlin will be accompanied in particular by his head of diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, his Minister of Defense, Andreï Beloussov, two deputy prime ministers and even the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The Russian president will then visit Vietnam, another partner of Russia from the Soviet era, on June 19 and 20.

“Brothers in arms”

The trip to North Korea will take place nine months after Vladimir Putin welcomed Kim Jong-un to the Russian Far East, a visit during which the two men praised each other but without concluding, officially less, agrees.

According to the West, Pyongyang has drawn on its vast stocks of munitions to massively supply Russia, and the Pentagon last week accused Moscow of using North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine. In exchange, Washington and Seoul say, Russia provided North Korea with expertise for its satellite program and sent aid to deal with the country’s food shortages. In March, Russia used its veto at the UN Security Council to end monitoring of international sanctions violations targeting North Korea, a major gift to Pyongyang.

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Kim Jong-un praised Wednesday before the Russian leader’s visit the “unwavering, brothers-in-arms” ties between Pyongyang and Moscow, which date from the Soviet era. During his trip to Russia in September 2023, he had already declared that ties with Moscow were his country’s “number one priority”. Analysts have also warned against nuclear-armed North Korea’s intensifying testing and production of artillery and cruise missiles for future arms deliveries to Russia. intended for its assault in Ukraine.

Watch carefully

South Korea said Thursday it was “closely monitoring preparations” for Vladimir Putin’s visit, calling on Moscow to “contribute to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula while respecting Security Council resolutions” of the UN. Seoul has provided significant military aid to Ukraine, where South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol visited last month, and is taking part in Western sanctions against Moscow.

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Vladimir Putin presents his assault on Ukraine and his diplomatic efforts as a battle to fight American hegemony on the international stage, and prides himself on the support of the Chinese giant. China is North Korea’s main economic supporter and diplomatic ally. This is only the second visit to North Korea by the Russian leader, who last visited nearly a quarter of a century ago, shortly after he came to power, to meet with the father of Kim Jung-un, Kim Jong-il.

Ahead of his visit to North Korea, several senior Russian officials, including the head of foreign intelligence services Sergei Naryshkin, made a trip to Pyongyang. North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui was in Moscow in January.
