Killnet, hacker attack on the websites of the ports of Genoa and Savona

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(Finance) – After the call to arms addressed to the “Italian brothers”, theattack carried out by hackers by the pro-Russian activist group Killnet which since yesterday have targeted the websites of the main Italian port authorities. The site of the Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea.

The attack – says the Adsp in a note – was rejected thanks to the prompt intervention of the postal police of Genoa in collaboration with the technicians of the port authority itself and the experts of digital Liguria, which manages the Adsp website.

The goal of the hacker collective aligned against NATO is to attack the countries that have taken sides against the war in Ukraine. There type of cyber attack used is the “ddos” (distributed denial of service) aimed at knocking out a server by flooding it with requests.
