Killer whales at Smögen – the friends were shocked

The friends Elias Berndtzen and Olle Larsson were out fishing in their boat outside Smögen.
All of a sudden they had unexpected company – when an orca appeared.
– You didn’t know if you should be afraid, says Elias Berndtzen.

At first Elias and Olle thought it was the Loch Ness monster. When it later turned out to be an orca, they could hardly believe their eyes.

– It was understood that it was not a porpoise or a dolphin. The dorsal fin was almost as long as us, says Olle Larsson.

None of the guys have any idea what the killer whale did on Smögen.

– Maybe it hunted mackerel. It went up and down anyway. Catching my breath about every two minutes.

Not worried

Even though the killer whale was moving so close to the boys’ boat, they never got scared, even though the thought crossed their minds.

– They thought about it anyway. They are still called “killer whales” in English, says Olle.

Not only that they got to experience the killer whale. Father Jörgen Larsson, who was standing on the beach, managed to capture everything on film.

– Pig cool!

Often spotted on the west coast

Seeing killer whales on the West Coast is becoming an increasingly common sight. Orcas are seen off the Swedish west coast almost every year. Off the coast of Norway, there are around 1,500 according to the World Wide Fund for Nature WWf. They can be almost 10 meters long and weigh up to 8,000 kilograms.


Met killer whales on the fishing trip: “They’re called killer whales”
