A buggy build is causing chaos in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. He is far too strong and, according to developer Rocksteady, takes the challenge out of the endgame. That’s why the leaderboards are now being restarted.
What build is it? The leaderboards in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League are intended to encourage players to continually experiment with new, creative builds and thus break the meta.
But according to developer Rocksteady, one build is buggy and therefore far too powerful. This is the burn build, whose burn effect apparently scales incorrectly. You can get an impression of it in a video by YouTuber Haderaxe.
In the official Discord channel, chief developer Axel Rydby goes into more detail about the problem. It is particularly evident in the mastery levels of the endgame. The burn effect causes damage over time. The problem: The fire became stronger with each new mastery level and scaled uncontrollably, so that each mastery level was essentially the same difficulty. It shouldn’t be like that.
Players who used the build were able to progress quickly – but without any real challenge. The problem caused a lot of headaches for the developers, but now they have come to a decision.
MeinMMO author Nikolas Hernes played the game extensively and wrote down his opinion about it in his own article.
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The leaderboards will be reset and the build will be nerfed
What are the consequences now? According to Axel Rydby from Rocksteady, it is important for the studio to emphasize that players should continue to create new and powerful builds. He says this in the Discord:
We want you to surprise us with the powerful builds you find and build. We want you to keep finding a new meta and then breaking it by finding a better one. While there’s no doubt that the Burn build is a really powerful and fun build – it should be! – (But) we didn’t want it to be the only viable endgame build at launch and beyond.
Axel Rydby on Discord
Accordingly, the combustion effect is now weakened so that from now on it works as originally intended by the developers. Because too many overpowering players would have completely messed up the leaderboards. That’s why the rankings will be reset and restarted. The change in balancing would be “pretty fundamental for the rankings and your further progress,” said the chief developer.
You can find all information about the game on MeinMMO.
Is some players’ progress completely gone? No. The actual progress in the game, i.e. all unlocked mastery levels or equipment, will not be reset. The players just have to say goodbye to their ranking position.
Anyone who has climbed high in the leaderboards since release thanks to the powerful build can still view their performance in a separate list. It’s not part of the active leaderboard, but it’s something like a time capsule. The developers want to honor the players’ performance and also the fact that they managed to plunge the endgame into chaos.
There is currently no exact date for the update and the associated changes. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League also made it into our list of the most exciting new co-op games.