Kiev: “Half of Severodonetsk was regained”. London-Moscow tension rises

Ukraine Putin urges the military of Kiev to overthrow the

(Finance) – Missiles for Kiev also from London. Also rocket launcher which will send the UK will have a range of 80 kmLondon confirms. The delivery of new weapons has the sole purpose of “extend the conflict”Putin says as the British government claims the planned supply of long-range multi-warhead missile systems to Ukraine as justified. The premier writes it Boris Johnson in a message in which he ignores tonight’s crucial vote of confidence on his Tory leadership to return to challenge Vladimir Putin’s Russia instead. “We – tweetswe cannot watch inert the long-range Russian artillery fire that clears cities and kills civilians. For this the UK will donate to Ukrainian armed forces multiple missile systems, so that they can effectively repel the incessant aggression “ from Fly.

Meanwhile, the Russian foreign minister Serghiei Lavrov was forced to give up the visit in Serbia after several European countries closed the airspace to its flight. “The unthinkable has happened”: Lavrov commented on the decision of several European countries to close their airspace to his flight, forcing him to renounce his planned visit to Serbia, a country “friend” of Moscow. For Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, those who prevented the arrival of Minister Lavrov in Belgrade “they do not want peace and dream of the defeat of Russia”.

After over a month, the war returns to Kiev: a Russian bombing hit a factory in the eastern part of the Ukrainian capital. And Fly threatens the capital of Ukraine as a possible retaliation for the sending of rocket launchers beyond 80 km confirmed by the British. Russia could hit Ukrainian infrastructure and institutions of the Kiev government if Ukraine were delivered multiple long-range rocket launchers: this is the warning issued by the head of the defense commission of the Duma. the Russian Lower House.

The Russians controlled the 70% of Severodonetsk, but within two days they were rejected, now the city is divided in half. The occupiers lost a huge number of personnel, eight Russians were taken prisoner ”. The governor of Lugansk said so Serhiy Gaidai, quoted by Ukrinform.

I remember the war it was provoked by Russia, which is the aggressor, and is reaping victims among Ukrainian citizens, who are the attacked. We will continue to work for peace, we will continue to work for a diplomatic escalation, but to want peace it takes two “, says the Foreign Minister, Luigi di Maio, to Naples.

Meanwhile, will be held in the next few days in Istanbul a three-way meeting between UN, Russia and Ukraine to discuss the unblocking of grain exports through the Black Sea ports. This was reported by the Turkish CNN, according to which “the fourth meeting on grain exports from Ukrainian ports will be held in Istanbul in the next days….Representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the United Nations will participate “.

The appeal also arrives of the Pope “to the leaders of the nations: do not bring humanity to ruin. “ “Real negotiations take place, concrete negotiations for a ceasefire “, Francis told Regina Coeli speaking of the conflict in Ukraine. And he added:?” Listen to the desperate cry of the suffering people, we see it in the media every day. human life, stop the macabre destruction of cities and villages everywhere. Please continue to pray, to work for peace without getting tired “.
