kidnappings increase in eastern Libya

kidnappings increase in eastern Libya

The Fathi Bachagha government, in power in eastern and southern Libya, has failed to eradicate the phenomenon of kidnappings. Khalifa Haftar’s forces remain those that dominate the ground in Benghazi. Since the installation of this government last March, Benghazi experienced its first kidnapping, last week, that of a woman. His family accuses a brigade of Khalifa Haftar of being behind his disappearance.

The kidnappings target people who are critical of the power in place. However, in this specific case, it was another family member who was abducted instead of the person who was initially targeted and who escaped his captors. A method reminiscent of the Gaddafi era.

Thus, Nada, a 20-year-old woman, was abducted with her two-year-old daughter and her newborn baby. His fault ? She is the sister of Nadine, an activist who criticizes the power in place, in eastern Libya, and whom we want to silence.

Nadine had received threats, but refused to comply. Threats she had recorded and which were posted on social networks. Several people directly dependent on Saddam Khalifa Haftar are accused by the family. This is a group belonging to the Tarek Ben Ziyad brigade known for its numerous abuses.

The case caused a stir in Benghazi and to calm things down, Nada was allowed to call his family. Call made on video on which we recognize a soldier belonging to the forces of Khalifa Haftar.

Many women, opponents, in the East of the country, are victims of kidnappings or liquidation.

In 2020, the lawyer and human rights activist, Hanan al-Barassi, was shot in the street, in broad daylight, in Benghazi. Before her, the parliamentarian Siham Sergewa was abducted by the same brigade. Since then, the family no longer has any proof that she is still alive.

And the examples multiply frequently.

Read also: Libya: kidnappings, source of financing for many militias
