kidnapped and sequestered in Brive? a man taken into custody

kidnapped and sequestered in Brive a man taken into custody

JUSTINE VAYRAC. A man was arrested and placed in police custody after the disappearance of Justine Vayrac, Sunday morning, at the exit of a nightclub in Brive (Corrèze).

[Mis à jour le 25 octobre 2022 à 21h40] The public prosecutor of Brive, Émilie Abrantes, indicated that a man was taken into police custody on Tuesday, October 25, as part of an investigation for kidnapping and kidnapping three days after the disappearance of Justine Vayrac, aged 20, near a nightclub in Brive-la-Gaillarde. According The mountainthis Tuesday, October 25, 2022, the man was arrested and placed in police custody “in order to verify the chronological elements and to cross-check the various elements collected at this stage of the investigation”.

The young girl has not given any sign of life since leaving the nightclub “La Charrette”, around 4:00 a.m. Sunday. According to witnesses, the young woman “would have been seen for the last time in the company of a young man”, “an acquaintance”, near the discotheque, “when she was out to get some air” . According to the prosecutor, the vehicle of the young woman was found near the discotheque, “open and containing personal effects”. The dog teams carried out searches on Monday evening, without success.

According to her mother, on the evening of her disappearance, her daughter “had a drink, did not feel well and asked to leave” the nightclub. “Her new boyfriend was waiting for her,” she added. A disturbing notice of disappearance of an adult has been launched by the Corrèze police, on social networks, in an attempt to obtain additional information.

What is Justine Vayrac’s description?

According to the report sent by the national police, Justine Vayrac was dressed in a pastel pink dress and white Converse brand shoes. Measuring 1m65, she is of fine build, with smooth brown hair, mid-length. She has light eyes adds the description. The Mountain specifies that the young girl left the nightclub La Charrette, in Brive.

What do we know about the disappearance of Justine Vayrac?

Justine Vayrac was therefore seen for the last time on Sunday October 23, 2022, leaving the nightclub La Charrette “in the company of a young man, not far from the night establishment, as she went out to get some air. some time”, indicates a press release from the Brive prosecutor’s office, broadcast this Tuesday, October 25 and relayed by The mountain. The man “would be a friendly acquaintance, met a few times in a nightclub.” Is it the same man to whom she would have been entrusted by a friend in front of the disco?

According to the account of one of his friends, published by The mountain, Justine Vayrac would have, after having drunk a few glasses of alcohol in a box, asked to go to sleep in her car, parked in the parking lot. Accompanied by a friend (named Théo) outside the night establishment, she would then have met a man, who had already met several times. Which then took care of the girl. “I took the number of this man, before entrusting Justine to him. He told me to go and enjoy the evening, that he was going to watch her. I told him to keep me informed”, explained Justine’s friend. But since then, no more news of the latter.

“I called the boy who was with her, he told me he had left, because Justine was feeling better. Then, a few hours later, he told me that she had texted him on Snapchat saying she was with another friend. It’s very weird that she only responds to him and not to others”, detailed Théo.

During the night, the young woman had exchanged in writing with her mother, as well as with her boyfriend. “Her phone went off at 1 p.m. on Sunday. I was told she was taken to Malemort to meet another friend. child of 2 and a half years. She is in love with her boyfriend. She has no reason not to give news”, alarmed her mother. Justice’s car, still in the nightclub parking lot, was searched. His identity papers were found there. But she still remains untraceable.
