Ki Group, Board of Directors approves half-yearly report and appoints director

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(Finance) – Ki Group Holdinga company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active as a holding company in the organic and natural products sector, has registered on a consolidated basis revenues equal to 1 million euros (0.5 million euros at 30 June 2021), a EBITDA negative for 0.1 million euros (EBITDA adjusted for non-recurring items at 30 June 2021 negative for 0.5 million euros) and a Net income negative for 0.3 million euro (net result adjusted for non-recurring items at 30 June 2021 negative for 0.8 million euro). L’net financial debt is equal to 3.9 million euros (4.5 million euros at 30 June 2021).

The intervention affects the company’s performance deconsolidationstarting from January 1, 2021, of the shareholding previously held in operating company Ki Group Srlwhose departure from the consolidation area of ​​the group had led to the recognition of extraordinary (non-recurring) income of 23.3 million euro at the income statement level.

After resignation of director Alice Di Diegothe Board of Directors has provided for the appointment of Lelio Mondella as director of administration. Mondella has more than 25 years of executive level experience in Market Leader Branded Companies in the Food & Luxury sector. Before joining Ki Group Holding, he gained managerial experience in large multinationals, such as Florette, a French multinational leader in the European food sector, and Domori, a company specializing in the production and sale of chocolate on the international market.
