Khayakazi Madlala, new South African lyrical voice

Khayakazi Madlala new South African lyrical voice

In South Africa, if lyrical art and opera have long been, under apartheid, the prerogative of white singers, things have changed with the end of the segregationist regime and black voices are increasingly emerging . Some, like the soprano Pretty Yende, have already conquered the world. A whole generation hopes to follow in her footsteps, like Khayakazi Madlala, a young singer in the making. Claire Bargelès met her at the Potchefstroom conservatory, one hour from Johannesburg.

It only takes a few vocalizations for the voice of Khayakazi Madlala to envelop the whole room. Offstage, her big smile, her calm and modest demeanor give no idea of ​​the power she exudes when she begins to sing.

This is my favorite rehearsal room. I really like the sound of this piece and it’s great to rehearse here, to practice in front of the mirror as in front of an audience. Lyrical art is very strict, but I like the difficulties that come with it. To sing gospel, I can just grab the microphone and go, but for those operatic arias, I really have to take the time to study, master the work well and also know how to play a role. But it’s all these challenges that make me love this art. »

A unique voice in opera

She is now far from her rural village in the Eastern Cape, where she was lulled by lyrical tunes within her family of music lovers. From school choirs to church choirs, Khayakazi gradually discovered a passion for these types of music. After playing Mimi in the opera Bohemian by Puccini, a role in which she was noticed, the 27-year-old singer goes to concerts to live from her art.

I decided to perform after the death of my mother. I had to take care of my brothers and sisters. As I am the eldest, the four of them depend on me financially. And little by little, I made myself known and I was asked to come and sing for different companies. »

When she is not performing, the young soprano spends her days away from rhinestone dresses and the spotlight, at this conservatory in Potchefstroom, south of Johannesburg, where she is finishing her studies. She came there to take lessons from her teacher, Conroy Cupido, who discovered her during a singing competition.

Oh he’s a superstar ! I can completely imagine him on any international stage, he enthuses. She has the voice for it, and the ability to work. Her voice is really unique, in opera we call it a “lirico-spinto” voice, an imposing voice that can sing Verdi and Wagner, and whose sound has a certain beauty. It’s very rare. »

Talents forced to go abroad

After the end of apartheid, many black singers were able to express their hitherto unknown talent. They now shine on world stages, like soprano Pretty Yende or tenor Levy Sekgapane.

Conroy Cupido isn’t surprised to see new voices like Khayakazi Madlala’s continue to emerge: Many singers in the country develop a taste for classical music and opera thanks to the choirs of their communities. And then we have good courses that they can follow “.

Despite this new dynamic, the young singer does not see her future in South Africa, while the country has only one company, that of Cape Town, which stages operas on a regular basis. Due to lack of funding, the Johannesburg company, with which Khayakazi Madlala performed most often, had to close its doors in 2018. One of its members brought it back to life from its ashes, but in a much more modest form.

Imagine how many singers there are in South Africa looking for work. So that pushes us to go abroad, she regrets. It’s quite sad, because it consists in taking the riches from here and giving them to others. »

To break through, Khayakazi Madlala now intends to enter international competitions in order to perhaps get noticed and hope one day to sparkle on opera stages around the world, like other compatriots before her.
