A company has introduced a unique keyboard. Because here you can install all the parts you want yourself. But the whole thing also has a downside.
Keyboards are among the devices that are most frequently personalized. There are keyboards in different sizes, different key switches on gaming keyboards and also keycaps in many variations.
A company has now introduced a keyboard that you can assemble yourself like Lego. Because here you screw all the components onto the mainboard yourself and insert the buttons. However, the price already starts at 250 euros and further upgrades also cost a lot of money.
Company offers modular keyboard for 250 euros
Who introduced what? The company Work Louder offers keyboards that you can adjust completely yourself. The keyboard consists of a total of 3 main keyboards, which you can arrange and plug in yourself on the mainboard.
The set consists of a worktop for the main part of the keyboard as well as a nano pad and a loop pad. These individual sections can then be equipped with different keys or knobs, depending on what exactly you want to do with the keyboard later.
Two views of Work Louder’s new keyboard
You can then buy additional keys or buttons via the shop, which you can also mount on one of the three keyboards. After all, Work Louder charges around 250 euros for the starter set consisting of the basic keyboard and the circuit board.
If you want the entire package, i.e. all three keyboards and additional keys, you will have to pay 400 US dollars (about 380 euros). That’s a lot of money for customization.
Why are thousands of gamers buying a cheap mouse and keyboard on Amazon?
Not a real product for gamers, but rather aimed at creative people
Who is the keyboard aimed at anyway? First and foremost, Work Louder is aimed at creators and developers. Because the manufacturer offers some knobs and buttons that are more intended for work. For example, there are buttons with a brush or other symbols that are more familiar from Photoshop.
The layout of the keyboard should also take some getting used to for gamers. In contrast to normal keyboards, the keys are not indented, but lie straight one behind the other. The space bar is significantly smaller and keys such as CTRL, Shift or the Tab key are also smaller.
However, many of these keys are of course also suitable for apps and games in order to program corresponding macros here. The product is not explicitly aimed at gamers, but Work Louder had stated that the RGB lighting could be adjusted.
Are you looking for a “real” gaming keyboard for your desk? Then take a look here. Here are the best keyboards you can currently buy:
The best gaming keyboards you can buy in 2022