Keeps kidneys clean! It has miraculous effects

Keeps kidneys clean It has miraculous effects

Kidneys play a vital role in removing waste materials from the body. Therefore, cleansing the kidneys positively affects health, prevents the formation of kidney diseases and kidney stones. It is possible to clean the kidneys with onion juice cure. However, you should consult your doctor before trying this cure. People with reflux, stomach irritation, hypotension and hypoglycemia should not do this cure.


  • monitor your blood pressure
  • Eat healthy and limit salt intake
  • Protect your kidneys by drinking enough water
  • Quit smoking and stay away from smoking environments
  • Do not use painkillers and antibiotics unnecessarily.
  • Find out the cause of stones and urinary tract infections
  • Exercise regularly.



2 liters of water
2 raw onions
3 sprigs of parsley


  • Pour two liters of water into a container and heat it.
  • While the water is heating, cut the onions into several pieces or slices.
  • After the water boils, pour it into a jar and add the onion pieces.
  • Then add the parsley and lemon juice and let it sit for at least two hours.
  • After this time, strain the liquid.

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How is it consumed?

  • Two liters of onion juice should be divided into several doses, ideally 5 or 6, to be used throughout the day.
  • Since it has a strong diuretic effect, you should only use the treatment three times a week, preferably every other day.
  • It should be consumed for 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the level of detoxification needed by the kidneys.
  • During this cleanse, you should limit your sodium intake, including table salt, as this substance interferes with detoxification processes.
