Keanu Reeves didn’t understand his perhaps best action role until he met a special forces unit

Keanu Reeves didnt understand his perhaps best action role until

A bomb on board a bus and a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour, which must not be exceeded under any circumstances. Director Jan De Bont has used these two ingredients to create Speed one of the best and most exciting action thrillers of the last 30 years shaped.

Keanu Reeves is also on board in the lead role as anti-terrorist cop Jack Traven. However, the Matrix and John Wick star was only able to fully commit to his character after spending time with real-life role models.

Keanu Reeves only understood the speed role through contact with a real SWAT team

According to Slash Film, Speed ​​screenwriter Joss Whedon spoke as a guest on the 50 MPH podcast about Reeves’ preparation for Speed. It was only after dealing with a real SWAT team that he understood how to create his character:

[Reeves] talked about how he researched the SWAT guys by spending time on the role and how they were always polite. [Er sagte, dass] they’re just trying to defuse the situation, they call everyone ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’. It clicked – and that was it. His take on it was: he wasn’t a frontrunner, he was a maverick who did what felt right and had a peculiar approach to it, but overall it would work out. This ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’ has brought him so muchbecause noise [bei Action-Film-Helden] was the order of the day and this was the opposite.

Whedon also spoke in the podcast about Reeves being on set in his role didn’t even want to draw a weapon. However, the studio did not give in to this wish and insisted that an anti-terrorist cop must also use his weapon.

Watch another German speed trailer here:

Speed ​​- Trailer (German) HD

Where can you watch Speed ​​with Keanu Reeves?

All you need for this exciting action highlight is a Disney+ subscription. * Here you can watch Speed ​​at any time with the streaming flat rate.

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