Kaunis Iron in Pajala is entering into a record-long negotiation for an environmental permit

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Negotiations in the Land and Environment Court continue until mid-September. In its application, Kaunis Iron has requested to expand operations with two new open pits in Palotieva and Sahavaara.

Got the green light but want to mine more

In February this year, the Land and Environment Court announced that they approve the mining permit but only if the annual production of ore is severely limited. But Kaunis Iron’s management expects an annual production corresponding to 2.1 million tons of finished product. In a press release, Klas Dagertun says:

– With the current state of affairs it is not possible, it only applies for a few more years, it does not give us the conditions to bet and invest in a long-term mining operation. If we get our new permit in place, it means an increased lifespan of around 20 years. That is enough for us to be able to prospect for new deposits that can be put into use in the next step when the 20 years have passed. This is how we gradually secure a future.

In the clip, you can take part in the tours around the Pajalagruvan.

SVT will report more about the start of the court proceedings on Monday.
