Kauhajoki took the home advantage – Vilpas fought for the chance to win the basket at the end

Kauhajoki taught Vilppa a lesson and took the first

Salon Vilpas, who suffered a small loss, took the final moments of the men’s third basketball finals with a score of 10–1 and got to try the winning basket against Kauhajoki in the last seconds.

In the 3rd final of the men’s basketball league, Kauhajoki knocked out Vilpa 82–81 (42–34) and took the lead 2–1 in the final series. With four mounts, the championship comes off.

The Bear Basket got into the driver’s seat towards the end of the second period, and never gave up on it again. However, Vilpas turned the fight into a thriller, taking the end of the match 10-1.

– With an excellent defense, we forced Vilpa to lose the ball. There was then a lot to improve. We were really lucky that Vilpas did not pass, admitted Karhu Basket’s coach Janne Koskimies.

One minute before the end, Vilpas rose to five points, and Kauhajoki was finally close to embarrassing melting. Cameron Jones lost the ball in the final moments, and Vilppaan Brian Fobbs got to try the winning basket, but the ball did not sink in the free throw, and Vilppa’s miracle rise did not get the crown.

– I think we made the right decision in the last few seconds, now that I have watched the situation in the video five times. Young Mr. Fobbs, when he had pushed in the throw, would have been a hero celebrated in Salo all weekend. It would take me more if we had lost the match by at least 15 points, Vilppaa’s coach Sami Toiviainen stated.

– Today we showed that we also have a chance to win here in Kauhajoki, which is always a bad place for away teams. When we do better things for 40 minutes, so good it will be.

Six players from the winners bagged double-digit points. Lee Skinner gathered 16/9, Jones 15, Rene Rougeau 11/5 and Simeon Carter 11/6. The support pillars of Kauhajoki had also brought strength to the field and carefully threw them Severi Kaukiainen and Eero Innamaawith 13 and 10 points, respectively.

Jeremiah Wood your balance was 21/8 and was for a long time the only success in Vilppaa at the attacking end, although he got fire support towards the end From Bryan Griffin (15/5). Nine points tossed Mikko Koivisto hit the end well. Marcus LoVett Jr was great in the 2nd final a couple of days ago, but no longer succeeded in Kauhajoki.

The fourth final will be played on Monday 9th in Salo.
