Kaspersen about the comeback in Let’s Dance: Like coming home

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In 2019, Kristin Kaspersen and her dance partner Calle Sterner were the winners of Let’s Dance. Now she is back on the dance floor – but this time as a presenter. Actually, Petra Mede would have led the program together with David Lindgren, but due to back problems, Mede was forced to drop out just a week before the premiere. Kaspersen says that she first thought of Petra when she received the request. – At first I was most worried about Petra. I hadn’t really thought about my own calendar but thought that it would just work out, says Kaspersen. In the upload, it has been most important for Kristin Kaspersen that the team feels comfortable with her stepping into the production. – I’m not Petra Mede. She is unique the way she is. I go in as I am, she says. On Saturday, the 18th season of Let’s Dance Sweden premieres. Kristin, who has been dancing, describes the program as “just joy and fantastic community”. – It’s like coming home a little bit, she says about being back in the studio. In Kristin Kaspersen’s living room, there is now a framed picture of Petra Mede and her. – So she will be with the whole season anyway.
