Kari about leaving Bonde seeks wife – the words that were cut out

It gets emotional in Wednesday’s “Farmer seeks wife” when ostrich farmer Michael Klingstedt has to decide who needs to leave the farm. It’s between Mariette, Kari and Jenny, and just before Michael makes his choice, he states that he feels very strongly for all three.

– That’s what almost scares me, it’s a bit of chaos in my body. The heart, the brain and the gut feeling, it cannot be explained, he says in the program.

“What doesn’t come across is that I thought it was nice”

In the end, Kari has to leave, she who said just before that she does not want to see a scenario where she is not allowed to be with Michael. But now in retrospect, Kari believes that it wasn’t really as sad as it appeared to be in the program.

– It is cut as if it was very difficult and that I thought it was terrible. What doesn’t come across is that I thought it was nice that it happened then, for several reasons. Partly I longed to go home, but then I also felt that the last piece was missing, says Kari.

– Of course you were nervous when you sat there, I’m not going to lie. But at the same time I felt that now I am done here and this is how it turned out, she continues.

The fact that she expressed that it was nice to be able to leave was not included in the program.

– When I said that it actually felt nice, the production said “Huh?” But it felt good to be able to live without a camera in my face. I don’t have a problem with that, but that words were tried to be put in my mouth and that I would be jealous even though I’m not. I understand it’s TV, it’s supposed to be drama. But we didn’t have anything like that, she says.

But with that said, she, just like Michael, felt a lot of emotions.

– I was shocked by how much emotion could come in such a short time. My God, you’ve seen Farmer looking for a wife before, but to understand how it feels – it’s not possible. It’s completely impossible if you don’t live in it, explains Kari.

Last kiss before Kari leaves Farmer looking for a wife

So that Michael gives her one last kiss before she leaves, Kari doesn’t think it was very strange.

– There were feelings, as he told me too, maybe that was heard a little in the episode. But just that he said it hurt so terribly. He couldn’t understand that he could feel the way he did for several girls. He said several times that the margin was so small. It wasn’t like “now you’re going out, bye bye”. It was felt, of course it was felt. For both him and me, she continues.

And in retrospect, Kari does not regret her participation at all.

– It was an adventure and you got to know yourself, she says.

– Then it’s been great since I got home. Much better than I thought it would be!

Today, Kari is extremely happy – together with Björn. The neighbor who took care of her animals while she was filming Farmer Seeks a Wife, who after the filming became her partner. He was also one of the reasons why Kari wanted to leave the farm, as feelings started to arise for him as well.

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Dating-hungry single farmers all dream of one and the same thing, to meet someone to share their life with.
