Kardin and Johansson win the world’s longest ski race

There were double Swedish victories this year again in the world’s longest ski race, the 220 kilometer long Nordenskiöldloppet. Oskar Kardin won the men’s class and Linnea Johansson won the women’s side.

– Now I feel mushy, really mushy, says Kardin to the organizer after the race.

He finished first of all when he crossed the finish line in Jokkmokk in a time of 12.44.02.

During the final eight miles it was between Kardin and Joar Andreas Thele. With only 200 meters to go, Kardin managed to sprint down the Norwegian.

– This cannot be compared to any other competition, says Kardin.

Linnea Johansson crossed the finish line in 13.58.58, almost exactly ten minutes ahead of runner-up Sofia Lindberg.

– I will live on this victory for the rest of my life, says Johansson.
